Containers Kernel, namespace, cgroups Kernel space and user space Before we actually get to explain containers let's define what is a kernel. Because you know there is no such thing in reality as a kernel it's only how we name things, and different people name things differently. cgroups, namespaces, UFS We are going to discuss containers, cgroups, namespace, UFS, hypervisor, user space, kernetl space and more. When we say "kernel" we mean this. We have the hardware, this is not the kernel, now above the hardware we have a few layers of software, imagine now two boxes. User mode is all the application you run while the kernel is the lower level is all the virtual memory management scheduling, connection to hardware devices, network drivers, it's basically the abstraction on top of the hardware + the basic services which allow this. One box is closer to the hardware and contains a few layers, the second box sits on top of the kernel box and contains...
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