Statistics for Programmers

As a programmer you want to know how your programs affect the world, when you do a change to the code and deploy it you want to know how it would affect your users, if you have many users and you use canary deployments and gradual deployments you want to know if this 1% of users that received your feature were they happy or not, this 1% is a sample, is this sample good enough? Can you infer from it to the broad population of your users? For this we need to know how to do sampling good, and to check if our sample is good or not, yes as programmers we also need to know about confidence intervals and the central limit theorem and hypothesis testing - but hold on we are not mathematicians we are programmers, this why this is for you because this is statistics for pr

A recent book was published this year by Google about site reliability and security engineering, I would like to provide you a brief overview of it and incorporate my own analysis and thoughts about this subject while saving you some time from reading, at least part of it.

Take a few of your customers and ask them, what are the top 5 features on my product that you like.


Being On-Call is not easy. So does writing software. Being On-Call is not just a magic solution, anyone who has been On-Call can tell you that, it's a stressful, you could be woken up at the middle of the night, and be undress stress, there are way's to mitigate that.
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