Ry's Git Tutorial BOOK Review

There are many good books about git but Ry's Git Tutorial stands out as an amazing git tutorial book I will describe below why:

I want to stress out although I'm going to list below what this books talks about that is not the reason you should read this book.  The reason you should read this book is that it's crystal clear about git! it's just an amazing book, it's fun to read, and I truly get to understand git.

It very clear, Ry's manages to bring us closer to git by making things really clear. Ry's makes an outstanding effort to bring us from knowing nothing about git to being an expert. The book starts with the real basics like Initializing the repository on an example website, staging files, exploring the repository.

Nick (a friend of mine :) loves developing software. But he doesn't really like meetings. His manager just asked him, hey, Nick, about this new feature you are going to develop, can you set up a meeting with a product, project, team leads, UI, backend teams just so we are all aligned? Now Nick needs to handle a meeting. It was all wired up in his head, but communication, as to say, is not his strongest skill, and he is afraid of a failure.

This is a great book for software engineers.  You don't have to be a consultant to benefit greatly from this book.  All you need to be is a software engineer.  By taking all the practices that the author mentions you will gain so much and you will increase vastly your chances of becoming a very successful software engineer.  The bits of advice is pure gold.

What is a PowerSet?

Why is it called a PowerSet?

Is it good or bad for us?

Will I need it on my next Angular/Machine learning project?

If we look at Wikipedia for the definition of powerset we see the below:

In mathematics, the power set (or powerset) of any set S is the set of all subsets of S,...
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