
lambda, who named lambda lambda? why did they call it lambda, is it simple or complex?

map, what is it? why name map - map? why did they call it map, is it simple or complex?

functor, why name functor a functor? what is it? why did they call it functor is it simple or complex?

In Part 1 we have covered background on FP, why we should use, why not, where it's strength is and where it's weaknesses are. In this part (2) we are going to move on and discuss more FP terminology.


There are many books about scala, some are both advanced and incomprehensible to most, some are not only simple and introductory, but there is currently only one book which managed to touch the sweet spot of a balance between presenting advanced topics and being comprehensible. This book is Scala Design Patterns by John Hunt.

I don't read it because of the design patterns!

I mean you can read this book in two ways. First way as a standard scala design patterns book.


Have you ever been to a scala conf and told yourself "I have no idea what this guy talks about?" did you look nervously around and see all people smiling saying "yeah that's obvious " only to get you even more nervous? . If so this post is for you, otherwise just skip it, you already know fp in scala ;)

This post is optimistic, although I'm going to say functional programming in scala is not easy, our target is to understand it, so bare with me.


How do you like your model and api? detailed, with separate classes or more uniform and lightweight with less classes, but with heavier objects, where some of the properties are optioal? Well, there is a delicate line in interface design between simplicity and adaptability, and it is up to you to decide also on what is a viable design - just enough design to satisfy your needs but keeping in mind you might need to extend it in future.


ElasticSearch does much of the heavy lifting on handling horizontal scalability for us, managing failures, nodes, shards. Now I was just getting into it a few days ago in a new project I was working at. I wanted to know if the SET/GET operation is eventually consistent or not.

Remember that actors interact only using message passing. In order to check actors behavior you can do it through the messages sent to them and back from them.  So how do you test actors? You send them messages :)

To test actors that communicate only with messages, you need to send it a message and get reply back and check it.

akka has a TestProbe

val p = TestProbe(); // record incoming messages in queue so you can assert and verify them.

Before going to a java interview it's best to remember a few coding snippets that would greatly help you to compose your coding interview answers.  Here are some coding snippets I have reached to, I encourage you to add in comments other snippets you think are important.

String char c = s.charAt(2); // get char at location 2.


Below are the resources I find most useful to study for coding interviews.  Those include:

Practicing problems Algorithms Java (my main language) Multithreading Scalability  Low-level computing.

Practice Problems

Reddit has a great page with a free good collection of interview problems to solve:

Great Collection Of Free interview problems to solve

Here's a pretty big list of programming interview questions I compiled while studying for big 4 interviews.
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