Introduction lambda , who named lambda lambda? why did they call it lambda, is it simple or complex? map , what is it? why name map - map? why did they call it map, is it simple or complex? functor , why name functor a functor? what is it? why did they call it functor is it simple or complex? In Part 1 we have covered background on FP , why we should use, why not, where it's strength is and where it's weaknesses are. In this part (2) we are going to move on and discuss more FP terminology. Lambda Is lambda a function? anonymous function only? a subset of mathematics? both? let's do some research: Wikipedia says Anonymous functions originate in the work of Alonzo Church in his invention of the lambda calculus in 1936, before electronic computers, in which all functions are anonymous.[2] In several programming languages, anonymous functions are introduced using the keyword lambda, and anonymous functions are often referred to as lambdas or l...
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