Troubled by confusing concepts such as Executors, Node, RDD, Task in spark? Invest just 2 minutes of your time to make some order in this mess! I'll clean up these apache spark concepts for you! Spark building blocks: executor,tasks,cache,sparkcontext,cluster manager Executor => Multiple Tasks: is a JVM process sitting on all nodes. Executors receive tasks (jars with your code) deserialize it, and run it as a task. Executors utilize cache so that the tasks can run faster. Node => Multiple Executors: Each node has multiple executors. RDD => Big DataStructure : Its main strength is that it represents data which cannot be stored on a single machine, so its data is distributed, partitioned, split across computers. Input => RDD: Every RDD is born out of some input like a text file, hadoop files etc. Output => RDD : The output of functions in spark can produce an RDD. So it's like one function after another each recei...
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